Adam and Steph!!
Matt's go at the dunes!
Here we are!
I totally ate snow on this one!!
Cute Dane and Laurel!
Ready to take the plunge!!
After our sled fest we headed over to Chris and JJ's house with Adam and Stephanie for a winter barbeque!! Nothing like a hot steak in the middle of Rexburg's January!! It was a blast eating, talking, and playing games with our fabulous friends!! Unfortunately we left the camera behind, so we don't have any fun pictures but we really are grateful for good friends and good times!!
Matt and his desert ghillie suit!
Matt and his new forest ghillie suit!
We are still truckin' along!! Matt just got over a fun cold and I was lucky enough to pick up on it!! Although I must say that it affected Matt much more than me...a blessing since I have work!! I am grateful that I have only had to miss one day of work instead of 2 or 3!! Matt has been busy working on his new ghillie suit, the forest ghillie suit, that will go along nicely with his desert ghillie suit!! I love how interesting he makes life!! We have been pretty busy, shooting guns, playing with friends and working our little hind ends off but life is fabulous and Matt and I are just as happy as can be!! We continue to love our time here and look forward to more memories to come!!