Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sledding with Friends!

So with all the snow Matt and I had yet to go out and actually enjoy it!! So we got together with Adam, Stephanie, Dane and Laurel and headed off to the dunes for some snow fun!! Although it was blasting cold we thoroughly enjoyed sledding the giant hills of the sand dunes!! We have a bunch of videos but everytime I ever try to put those on here it never works so if you see a video that means that it worked, if not please enjoy all of the fun pictures we were able to get!!

Adam and Steph!!

Matt's go at the dunes!

Here we are!

I totally ate snow on this one!!

Cute Dane and Laurel!

Ready to take the plunge!!

After our sled fest we headed over to Chris and JJ's house with Adam and Stephanie for a winter barbeque!! Nothing like a hot steak in the middle of Rexburg's January!! It was a blast eating, talking, and playing games with our fabulous friends!! Unfortunately we left the camera behind, so we don't have any fun pictures but we really are grateful for good friends and good times!!

Matt and his desert ghillie suit!

Matt and his new forest ghillie suit!

We are still truckin' along!! Matt just got over a fun cold and I was lucky enough to pick up on it!! Although I must say that it affected Matt much more than me...a blessing since I have work!! I am grateful that I have only had to miss one day of work instead of 2 or 3!! Matt has been busy working on his new ghillie suit, the forest ghillie suit, that will go along nicely with his desert ghillie suit!! I love how interesting he makes life!! We have been pretty busy, shooting guns, playing with friends and working our little hind ends off but life is fabulous and Matt and I are just as happy as can be!! We continue to love our time here and look forward to more memories to come!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008 Recap!!

So I will admit that I am actually copying Liz on this blog!! She did a recap of last year and I loved it so I thought I would do the same!! Thanks for the idea Liz!! So as Matt and I put our little newsletter together we realized that we have been sooo lucky!! We really have had the opportunity to do so many things, even being within our first year of marriage!!

To start off the year 2008 Matt and I were in a little village in Mexico! We were so fortunate to spend Christmas 2007 and the New Year in such a beautiful place! We look forward to going back soon!!

I also had a MAJOR haircut this year!! It was a big deal but I was sick of everyone thinking I was just out of High School!!! I wanted to look my age.....probably something I will never say again but it was fun to have a new look!!

We also moved into our cute little apartment in Rexburg, ID! Not only were we able to move there but we also got to paint it how we wanted!! Everyone that I talked to thought that a green kitchen might be too much, and when we opened the can of paint we too were a little nervous, but I really liked how it turned out!!

We also went to Disneyland for the Cahoon Family Reunion!! What a blast that was!! Unfortunately we lost our camera and didn't find it until the very last day that we were there!! But lucky that we have a fabulous family that made sure they had plenty of pictures of us to share!!

Summer was crazy!! We had lots of fun at my work picnic, riding horses, fishing and swimming the river, and a little campout at Yellowstone!!!

In August we celebrated our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!! It was a fun day!! We probably didn't make as big of a deal of it as most people because in all reality we had really been together for almost 7 years!! But it was nice to reflect on all of the fun times we have had together!! I am so lucky to have been able to marry my very best friend!

In the fall we went to St. George, Utah to celebrate my Grandparent's 60th Anniversary and my Grandma's 80th birthday!!! We stopped at Cedar Breaks to look around and take some pictures!! The rest of the fall we spent most of our time in the great outdoors on our hunting excursions!

Thanksgiving we celebrated with Matt's family in Utah and we had a white Christmas in Oregon with mine!!

2008 was an awesome year, full of fun!! We look forward to having another awesome year full of it's own little adventures!!!